Our Committee promotes cooperation, mutual understanding, and friendship between the citizens of Baltimore in Maryland, U.S.A. and Rotterdam in The Netherlands.
Twin Cities
Baltimore and Rotterdam are both modern cities, because of historical events. Rotterdam’s central city district was destroyed at the beginning of World War II. Faced with the task of rebuilding the city, Rotterdam chose to embrace the future rather than to resurrect the past - becoming a showplace for modern architecture in Europe. The city center of Baltimore was destroyed in 1904 by the Great Fire. So both cities were built from the ground up during the 20th century.
Rotterdam and Baltimore have approximately the same geographical and population size. These two cities have in common a deep maritime history, large port operations in estuarine waters, and both are home to prestigious universities, medical schools, world-class museums and other cultural institutions, and burgeoning tech/startup scenes. They share many of the issues and opportunities common to many large, modern cities with diverse populations.
In March 2025, students and faculty from Morgan State University School of Architecture + Planning (SA+P), design professionals, and representatives from Baltimore City Department of Planning will travel to the Netherlands for a workweek. The trip is organized and curated by Professor Cristina Murphy. In April, city planners, comunity organizers, architects, and researchers from the Netherlands come to Baltimore. We welcome companies to become sponsors, to help cover the student’s travel costs!
About the 2025 exchange and sponsorship opportunities
Read the report from last year's trip, to get a flavor of what these trip's are like:
Walk On By
Works by Black artists from Baltimore & Rotterdam
Exhibition is at the Creative Alliance in Baltimore Sept 26 - Dec 7; participating Rotterdam artists to travel to Baltimore for the opening reception on Sept 26 and to participate in community engagement programs. It is followed by a reciprocal artists’ exhibition and exchange at TENT in Rotterdam in Spring 2025, when the Baltimore artists travel to Rotterdam. This project is curated and led by Joy Davis, a Baltimore-based curator.
For more information: Walk on By
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